Travelling with a dog

Finally the long-awaited holidays have come. All the belongings are packed, the route is drawn up, the hotel and the place is chosen. Only your anxious dog, waving its tail nervously, reminds you about one more thing left and important to arrange: travel with a pet or let it with your relatives?
The dog may set out together with its family, and, after all, even Belka and Strelka had a chance to see the big wide world! Thus, let us start with packing the suitcase of your beloved little friend.
International veterinary passport
It’s highly important for your charge to have all necessary vaccinations, letting your dog go on travels. Take into account the timeliness of their carrying out (as a rule, a month as minimum and a year as maximum before the trip). Dogs having rabies, hepatitis, plague and other dangerous infections are not allowed to depart.
In addition to all vaccinations you need to put a microchip in your pet’s skip with injection. Don’t worry, this procedure is fast, painless, absolutely safe and can be done in most veterinary clinics. Besides, if you loose your pet, a microchip will help it to find its way home as it contains information about the animal and its owner.
Veterinary certificate
After the successful medical examination of a pet, including its vet passport, the state pet hospital issues this form. Without such veterinary certificate the departure of an animal is also impossible. However the form of this document can vary for different countries.
Luggage ticket
A luggage coupon is possible to directly get in the airport or at the station, showing the veterinary certificate. Notice that at each airport the ticket’s price depends on the weight of your dog. The distance is important in case your trip begins from another place (train station, seaport etc.).
Muzzle and dog’s lead
No matter if your dog bites or not, it must wear a muzzle as at least at the beginning of the travelling. Puppies, younger than four months, are not taken into account. Don’t forget about the dog’s lead to not lose the pet.
Dog travel box/case
It’s essential to prepare a special carrier, since according to the rules of air transportations, a dog has to be in a specially equipped compartment on an aircraft. A box/case should be quite firm and big to let your pet feel as much comfortable as possible. It’s also recommended to scatter over the bottom of it a special toilet filler to avoid bad smell of unexpected incidents.
First-aid kit
During the trip your buddy can be hurt and, worst of it, be poisoned or catch an infection. That is to say, the professional help doesn’t always come on time, so take medicines not only for yourself, but also for your pet.
You should concern about the comfortable carriage and nice holiday of your animal. Pay attention to the season, since a warm rug and a dog dress might be needed. There’s no doubt that you will not do without a bowl and food/water supply. Find some space in your case to take your doggy’s lovely toys with. If you’re going to take ideal photos of your cute favourite, pack its brush.
Going abroad
In case you’re planning a trip outside your homeland, keep informed about the basic requirements of the entry and the dwelling on the territory of the foreign country. The rules differ and vary, that’s why it’s better to once again specify every detail before your setting-off.
On the way
In the event that your pet travels with you from the puppyhood, every trip is a joy for your dog and it gets into its box, each time worrying to be forgotten.
All in all, travelling together with all family members is more pleasant. Besides, you don’t need to worry about your dog, living far from its masters. These arguments are enough to take travelling with a dog more responsibly. Thus, good luck and bon voyage!
Read also: Russian railway: rules for pet transportation
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