Purple Bulldogs: more rare dogs are stolen in Britain

The English Bulldog is a breed developed by the British that is currently very popular. These dogs are brave, kind and funny, can easily protect yourself and the owner against offenders (if they are in the mood, of course, as they tend to be extremely lazy). But interest in the Bulldogs woke up not only among the breeders and fanciers of this breed, but also among thieves.
Recently on the Internet, the British could have noticed the advertisement of unusual purple Bulldogs. The price of these puppies (actually of a a gray-brown color) reached 16 thousand pounds. While traditional white-brown Bulldogs from breeders cost about 2 thousand pounds.
The incident occurred in the County of Surrey in England. The offender came into the house to the breeder of purple English Bulldogs under the guise of a buyer, and during the conversation kidnapped a puppy and ran out of the house, got into the waiting car and disappeared.
The police took over the investigation of this case but to solve the crime will not be easy because most likely it was an «ordered» one. And if the thief tries to sell a puppy to strangers, then others can learn about him. Obviously, it is the high price of purple Bulldogs that caused this unusual theft.
In the mass media in Britain this story made a lot of noise. The price of a puppy equals the semi-annual salary of the majority of Britons. By the way, many dog clubs of England don’t recognize purple English Bulldogs and don`t allow them to participate in exhibitions. And the inflated price for puppies of this breed is considered by sellers to be a fraud.
Dogs in Britain are stolen very often. Most of them are hunting breeds. In the country every week get lost more than 70 hunting dogs. When the hunting season starts attackers are coming up to the woods and fields on the truck and steal the dog right in front of their owners.
Activists of public organizations for the prevention of the dog theft warn that it is strongly recommended to put in a dog a microchip with the data its owner, so it would be easier to find and bring it back. And if theft has occurred immediately contact the police and provide all social networks with information with a photo of your dog. Chances to find the lost pet in this case increase.
Recently favorite breeds for criminals became Pointers, Labradors and Cocker Spaniels. In the increased demand for the latter were accused Prince William and Kate Middleton, who became owners of the Spaniel two years ago. From this point on this breed became very fashionable in England. And people who buy trained dogs in training centers don’t even realize that very often they pay for a stolen pet.
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