Talking to your dog: six important rules to remember

Since ancient times the dog was considered to be one of the most unique and intelligent animals. Many people want to get a dog, but they need to understand that the puppy like a baby requires a lot of attention and communication.
Scientists have proven that a puppy at the age of several months understands the tone and many of the words of his master, and is “talking” in two languages – with four-legged friends and with an individual.
Constant communication with your four-legged friend forms its conduct and character in the future. Dogs, like people, with the proper education and constant communication become loyal friends and defenders for life.
1. This important thing – the intonation!
British experts have once again confirmed the old truth that animals and children are more sensitive to intonation than to even the very familiar words of human speech.
In dealing with puppy’s behaviour problems that seem insurmountable the distinct intonation helps. The main thing is to make sure that the dog understands in your chosen intonation what you were trying to teach.
It is necessary to clearly distinguish the threatening intonation and the volume of voice. If a woman increases in the volume of her voice this unintentionally leads to increased tone of voice. Men in anger always talk in a low and menacing voice, so regardless of educational methods, dogs often listen to men.
But women can learn to express their discontent not by hysterical screams, but by a chest, calm and low voice, resembling the sound of a distant thunderstorm. Indeed, in this quiet surround sound there is something resembling the screaming of most mammals and birds: sound is distinct and characteristic, but it is almost impossible to determine its source. The same should be the strict intonation: calm, stretched, powerful, with a metallic inflection.
If you listen to the dog that aggressively barks at another dog you will hear that with the rise of aggression its voice becomes lower and grows into the hollow bark, which often causes the dog to give up without a fight. Your voice should be the same.
You shouldn`t include in your own words irritation, on the contrary, say them almost mechanically, as it will have a greater impact on the puppy, and it will understand that this ban is not a momentary decision, but the law, the violation of which is unacceptable. That is why many trainers recommend as a banning the word “Don’t” or “Leave it” instead of “Out” or “No”, because the longer word helps to transmit the right intonation better.
Dogs are social beings, like people, and they can learn behavioural patterns that were properly explained to them. And thanks to innate ability to respond to the intonation of voice of a person, you will be able in the future to reach the mutual understanding with your dog.
2. State your requirements clearly
Setting out the requirements clearly is another important aspect in achieving the mutual understanding with the dog. Not every owner asks himself the question, whether he explained to his pet requirements properly?
It is necessary to analyse the actions of your four-legged friend from its point of view. For example, the dog on the walk turned off the path and headed for the interested subject. You must give the prohibiting command, if necessary repeat it, increasing the strict intonation. If the dog took a step in your direction, you change the intonation to the friendlier one, and when the dog will return to you, praise it and play with it. Then the pet will have a good understanding that when you are strictly prohibiting it something and it obeys, it will have a real holiday.
Of course, it is hard to achieve this from the first time, but thanks to your attention and patience your dog will get used to it, and will understand your requirements. Just don’t try to scold the dog for past disobedience, it will only get confused and will think that the actions of the owner are unpredictable.
3. The reaction should be timely
The reaction of the owner on the dog’s behaviour must be appropriate and timely.
Bad example is contagious, and if a lot of dogs walking together, or dogs live together, they tend to take each other’s behaviour: to bark at passers-by, run behind a car or a bike and so on. Stop the growing excitement and mutual reinforcement is almost impossible. But this does not mean that we will not be able to find a common language with the dog in this situation. It is important not to miss the moment when the motivation is still possible, and apply a menacing intonation.
If the time is lost, in any case, don`t run and don`t cry; to such behaviour the dog won’t react. When your pet will get back to you, blame it a little, and the next time the dog will be able to control itself and will behave better.
Also, don`t cry at your dog every time you thinks it is going to do something inappropriate. Maybe it just sniffs other dogs’ tracks, and, approaching the stranger, will do him no harm. Excessive pulling up of your pet can make it nervous, irritated.
The dog is a rational being, and undeserved punishment may greatly hurt it. Dogs are not so unforgiving as people, but they are also able to feel, so correctly and timely stated requirement will help the pet to understand and to forgive.
4. Avoid humiliating methods of training
In modern sources of information you can find a lot of advice on raising and training dogs. Not all of these methods are humane. Applying such methods in relation to your pet, you will not be able to find a common language with it. Rely sometimes on your intuition and thoughts, because this is the path that works best in communicating with your dog.
If you want to be for your dog a friend, you must rely on your common sense, and determine exactly what methods of education are needed for your pet. It is also the important aspect in achieving an understanding with the dog.
5. Study the behaviour of your dog
Explore your dog, pay close attention to it every moment of your communication. We must remember that the dog has its own feelings, emotions, and reacts to physical exercise, stress, unfamiliar things, and abuse, as a person would do. Physiology of dogs are similar to human physiology, so your own life experience and attitude will help in many ways to understand your four-legged friend. The same principle applies in training dogs.
If you encounter problems in behaviour to improve communication and avoid misunderstandings you must remember that your dog is an individual, and in most cases the problem must be analysed and solved individually.
6. Don’t invent reasons to punish the dog
Dogs’ faults are in most cases exaggerated and far-fetched claims of the owners or the lack of patience. If the dog does not listen to the command, showing too much emotion, that is no reason to punish it.
For punishment of dogs there is no reason! With a pet you can always negotiate peacefully, if the owner and the dog maintain the contact based on trust.
Trust your pet, learn to communicate and talk with it in the same language, be clear about your requirements and do not punish the dog and then for the rest of your life you will gain mutual undestanding with your four-legged friend.
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