As you could have realized most cats do not value privacy. And in more than one in the instance, you will find them following you in the bathroom and watch you pee or poo.
Many experts’ and owners have come up with many valuations of this behavior and have produced many findings.
Some are rib cracking and stupid, but well it won’t hurt to look at them. The most obvious reason is that they are affectionate towards and wants to spend every moment with us.
The following are some of the reasons why your cat watches you pee.
Searching for a cooler environment
The cat will most definitely follow you to the bathroom if the house temperatures are very high and need to experience the cool temperatures from the cold bathroom tiles.
The lighting in the bathroom is minimal and hence low temperatures. Tile is also known for absorbing less heat than other materials in the house, and thus the cat would want to experience that coolness in the bathroom when it is mostly hot.
Seeking attention
Cats are very good attention seekers, especially if they notice some distance is being developed between her and the owner.
For this reason, she will look for any free time that you may have to come close to you.
She is just tired of your busy schedule, and she misses you dearly. So the only place she finds you not very busy in the bathroom, and she won’t stop following you.
Cats love this time you are peeing cats who are sweet they will rub your feet while you are sitting in the toilet they think that you are trapped and in a few minutes they will ease your attention and focus on them. Despite following you to the toilet or bathroom, they will also destruct you while in your sitting room.
Playground for a cat
The bathroom contains a lot of adventure for any cat to dive into. They turn the toiletries and utensils to play items.
The cat is a curious animal and wants to find out how everything works in the toilet from the toilet paper to the fittings.
Cats family nature and all cats do have their favorite alpha.
There are myths that cat see us as their alphas or superiors, and every cat has his or her favorite to guard.
It is also believed that cats see us as their property.
Most cats do not stand close to the doors which are closed, but bathroom doors are a no expectation where you can find cats standing.
Cats do wonder about that door you keep close all times.
The other side of closed door of a bathroom drive a cat crazy wondering what might be happening the other side they become curious to see the other side and when you enter in the toilet or bathroom cats will enter before you or with you and watch you that business that you are doing in there and that answers you why does my cat watch me pee.
Cats do not like water as it is commonly known, but you find the cats following you to the bathroom and watch you bathing and cats will play by splashing the water and running away or drinking flowing bath water.
Cats love fresh running water.
The cats are always amazed by the routines especially those while you are visiting the bathroom the will learn them if you give them pleasing attention they also anticipate the meal time which you do after the bathroom in the morning or the evening.
Your cat loves you
The bathroom is full smells unique smells of you the favorite cat human.
When you keep doing more activities with your cat, the cat might like you and get intrigued by watching you
The bathroom or toilet is where you get valuable feline bonding time with your cat.
Why does my cat watch me pee
Some can’t stand being watched by their cat while they take a pee even though they can’t judge your behavior.
It is even worse if they jump on you; this can be irritating at some point.
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